When I had my babies, I was taking so many photos of them, but I never had photos of me. But then I won a portrait session at a silent auction and got the most beautiful images of us. (To be honest, my youngest cried for much of it, and my two-year-old wouldn’t sit when the baby finally calmed down, but we still managed to get great photos. An so it goes sometimes.)
I had dreamed of having a portrait gallery on the wall above our stairs. But with a baby and a toddler, I never had my hands free enough to actually make that gallery a reality. So it remained a Pinterest dream. I think it took me something like 6 or 8 years to finally do it. After it was hung, I couldn’t believe how happy it made me.
Have you heard the term "spark joy" from the Japanese organizer, Marie Kondo? She uses it to help people decide which personal items to keep when they are organizing and purging. I like to use it to describe how I feel when I see our family portrait wall.
I was amazed at how our stair gallery continued to "spark joy" for me every single day. I would think back to how chaotic that photo session was, and laugh. And I would drink in those pure, innocent faces.
It’s crazy though, realizing that I had missed out on 6 or 8 years of daily happiness! This is one reason why I’m so passionate about helping people get photos on their walls. Imagine a gift that keeps on giving, everyday, for the rest of your life!
We moved into a different house in 2017, and I made sure that the gallery got moved and hung. We've been adding to it over the last six years, and it continues to spark joy.
I know that life with kids is so busy. That's why I'm committed to helping you get beautiful art on your wall without it feeling like an impossible task. As a boutique photographer, I'm ready to help you every step of the way so that you can experience the excitement and joy of creating custom art for your home without the stress.
*Photo credits Sue Daniels Photography