Peyton had her Colorado senior portrait session in the quaint and historic town of Golden. Golden is always a solid location choice because there is so much variety. It was a beautiful, sunny Colorado summer day, and we started in the History park amidst all of the old buildings. Even though I have used this location often as a Colorado senior portrait photographer, there is always a new angle or pose to try, and the vegetation is always different depending on the time of year.
I noticed some tall grasses glowing in the sunlight by a fence, and it was the perfect place to show off her adorable jeans.
We ventured across the bridge and along the riverwalk and captured some beautiful hair light and gorgeous, glowy lighting along the river. She even got to play in the water and splash around a little bit.
I love that with every session, there is the unknown for what might come along and give us creative opportunities. While walking from one location to the next, there was a street with some gorgeous, tall sunflowers. This made for some fun and feminine summer-y senior portraits. On the next block, there was a mural wall with color that complimented her dress perfectly.
We got to add a very personal element to her senior session, as her mom had mentioned that there was a church that was special to their family in the town of Golden. I believe this is where she was baptized as a baby. It was worth the walk to capture images outside of it.. The architecture made for interesting portraits, and I knew they would be special to her family.
Peyton had some adorable outfit choices, from super cute high-waisted jeans to a feminine coral ruffled top and a navy blue dress. She also opted to put her hair up in the middle of the session, which made for some different looks and variety in her gallery. And the blooming gardens added lots of color to her Colorado senior portrait gallery.
All in all, her summer Colorado senior portrait session was all the things I aim for: personal, gorgeous backgrounds galore, fun and memorable. And she came away with an incredible album of senior portrait images that she will look back on for years to come!